
Proceedings of the Joint Workshop of the German Research Training Groups in Computer Science



The German Research Foundation's (DFG) Research Training Groups (RTG) from the field of computer science traditionally meet once a year at Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics, one of the world's premier venues for computer science. This DFG-funded networking meeting is intended to facilitate doctoral students' exchange of ideas and experiences and to strengthen the contacts within the german computer science community. Since the meeting is growing constantly, it is split into two parts since 2011. This years topics of the two parts are: Dataexploration, Visualization and Software Engineering and Self-Organization and Communication in Ubiquitous Environments. To provide an overview on the entire meeting to enable a better connection of students with similar topics, every student of each RTG was asked to submit a one-page abstract introducing their work. This joint proceedings of both workshop parts contain these abstracts, along with a brief overview of each RTG's focus.
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